DnD Encounter Builder

Looking for a DnD Encounter Builder to create level-appropriate combat for your players?


An encounter in Dungeons & Dragons is any situation that the characters face where there are consequences for their actions, time is a factor, and there is some kind of force opposing them.

This can range from a group of goblins attacking the party, a trapped room that slowly fills with sand or a social encounter.

Stealth missions are another great use for encounters. But for this post, we will focus on building combat encounters in D&D.

Check out our post on how to level up combat encounters for more tips!

How to build DnD combat encounters in DnD 5e


Here are six basic steps on how to build DnD combat encounters.

Step 1: Determine the party's level

This will determine the difficulty of the encounters you build. To do this, add the level of each character together, then divide by the total number of characters to get the party’s average level.

Step 2: Choose the type of encounter

Do you want a combat encounter, a social encounter, or a puzzle encounter? How difficult do you want the encounter to be? Remember that not all fights have to be boss fights or cakewalks. Variety is the spice of life and combat!

Step 3: Choose the number of enemies

The number of enemies should be based on the party's level and the type of encounter.

For example, a party of level 1 characters might handle 2-3 enemies in a combat encounter, while a party of level 10 characters might handle 10-12 enemies.

Step 4: Choose the enemies

When choosing enemies, it's important to consider their abilities and weaknesses. For example, if the party has a lot of ranged attacks, you might want to choose enemies that are weak to ranged attacks.

It’s also worth considering the party's abilities, resistances, equipment, and other factors when considering monsters. A monster only weak to magical weapons at level 1 could be very challenging to a party lacking spells or magic items.

Step 5: Set the environment

The environment can have a big impact on the difficulty of an encounter. ‘

For example, an encounter in a narrow hallway will be more difficult than an encounter in a wide open space.

You can also consider hazards, such as fire and flammable objects, that the party and enemies can use to their advantage.

Cover also provides tactical advantages for monsters and players. Check out our post on armor class to find out how to use cover effectively.

Step 6: Adjust the difficulty

Once you've built your encounter, you can adjust the difficulty by adding or removing enemies, changing their abilities, or changing the environment.

Why use a DnD Encounter Builder?


Building D&D encounters can be a lot of fun. But it can also be a bit daunting, especially for new Dungeon Masters.

That’s why we created our DnD Encounter Builder tool - to help you ensure combat is appropriate for your players.

Just remember to have fun, experiment, and be flexible. With a little practice, you'll be building great encounters in no time.

How to use our DnD Encounter Builder

Using our encounter tool is easy!


First, set the average party level and number of player characters (PCs). Next, select the desired difficulty of the encounter from the dropdown.

Your target encounter rating will be displayed in the tool. This serves as a guide when choosing monsters for the encounter.


Next, fill out the enemy challenge rating (CR), experience (EXP), and number of foes. The tool will adjust the total multiplier and contributing experience per enemy.

This will give you your Calculated Encounter Rating. You can make adjustments to your encounter to get it to your desired difficulty level.

Don’t forget to take into account the monster’s abilities. Also, the number of enemies quickly changes the difficulty of the battle, so experiment to see what works best for you!


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