Mazfroth’s Mighty Digressions Actual Playthrough, Session I


Mazfroth’s Might Digressions Actual Play

It’s time for the next adventure in Candlekeep Mysteries with Mazfroth’s Mighty Digressions. In this campaign, Erik is taking a different approach to the setting by re-skinning the D&D adventure in the 1890’s Gilded Age.

Re-skinning the Adventure

For this setting of Mazfroth’s Mighty Digressions, we’re taking it old school to the 1890’s. This is a re-skin of the 5e adventure to fit within a new setting for roleplaying and storytelling purposes, but we’re also keeping it low-magic and low-fantasy. No Tiefling Warlocks to be found in this realm!


Meet the Party

For this campaign, Erik gave us a list of historical characters to choose and build our characters from. The challenge here was to create an avatar embodying the person while representing their skills, abilities, and personality quirks in the D&D 5e setting.

Ultimately, we were able to settle on a tight crew of extraordinary gentlemen. The party is comprised of three 2nd-level adventurers: Mark Twain, Nikola Tesla, and Harry Houdini.

Mark Twain (Billy) - Level 2 - Human Bard


Mark Twain is the greatest humorist the United States has ever produced and the father of American literature. At age 58, he is the eldest of the group. But what his body lacks in vitality, he makes up for in wit.

Twain’s mastery of words allows him to both soothe the very soul or inflict great internal suffering onto others.

Twain has a powerful interest in the sciences, befriending the eccentric scientist, Nikola Tesla.

Nikola Tesla (Chris) - Level 2 - Human Artificer


Nikola Tesla is a Serbian-American scientist renowned for his work in electricity. 37 years old, he is in the prime of his career and just unveiled his latest breakthrough: the Atlas Automail.

This invention boosts the wearer’s strength for a short time and is meant to ease the burdens of laborers or those with weak constitutions.

Tesla has a strong affinity for the written arts and developed a special friendship with the American humorist, Mark Twain.

Harry Houdini (Mark) - Level 2 - Human Rogue


Harry Houdini is the youngest of the troupe. At age 19, he is just breaking into the illusionist scene with daring feats of escape.

Harry uses his skills in illusion, sleight of hand, and misdirection to amaze audiences and confound his enemies.

Harry met first Tesla and Twain during the World’s Fair in 1893, where they bonded through a harrowing and unexpected adventure.

Mazfroth’s Mighty Digressions Circa 1890 Story Intro

This tale of Mazfroth’s Mighty Digression picks up in 1894. Exactly one year ago, a mysterious fire ripped through the World’s Fair in Chicago.


No one knows much about this tragedy, except for the ones who were in the thick of it.

Mark Twain, Nikola Tesla, and Harry Houdini, who survived and bonded through this brush with death find themselves together on an Italian holiday at the Vatican.

Little do they know that dark forces descend upon them once again…

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Mazfroth’s Mighty Digressions Actual Playthrough, Session II


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