Tales of Eoa - Character Building Session

Our next campaign is set in the homebrew world of Eoa as part of a long-term collaborative worldbuilding project. In this episode, we carve out some time to develop our characters before diving into our adventure.

All of us here at Plus One To Gaming are collaborating to create Eoa as we go, and we invite you to partake in filling out the world details, too!

You can see the framework of Eoa on our WorldAnvil page. Feel free to leave comments and suggestions as we shape this world together.

The Characters

Formed from leftover applicants after the new adventuring groups had been assigned for the year, the Omega Squad already has to prove themselves to their Party Manager (the ever-pleasant Bucky Argos), the Adventuring Guild, and to each other.

With the martial prowess of Umren the monk, the arcane wonderment that is the cat wizard Lord Wizardclaws, and the comedy stylings of Xyzal the goblin bard, Omega Squad is ready to take on whatever is thrown at them (within reason).

Lord Wizardclaws Tiviar von Fluffybottom the Third

Lord Wizardclaws started his life as the beloved pet of a wizard's daughter, Fiona Tiviar. Given to her by her father's friend, Fistandia, when she was little, Fiona and Lord Wizardclaws became inseparable over the next four years.

However, Fiona contracted a rare disease that was claiming her life. Desperate to save his daughter after her losing her mother during childbirth, Abeus attempted to use Lord Wizardclaws as a component in a forbidden transmutation ritual to cure Fiona.

Learning this, Fiona lashes out and disrupts the ritual, destroying her and her father in the process but sparring Lord Wizardclaws. The magical aftermath created an arcane anomaly known as an awakened cat.

Xyzal Penlac

Xyzal grew up on the streets where he learned how to hide and steal. His small stature as a Goblin required him to survive in other ways than strength, and it wasn’t before long that his wits grew sharper than his blade.

Soon, Xyzal's sharp tongue got him noticed. A local lord, overhearing Xyzal roasting his friends at an inn, delighted in Xyzal’s wit and offered him a job as a court jester. For the first time in his life, his belly was full and his clothes were clean.

Xyzal loved his role in court. He got to do what he loved; making people laugh and speaking the truth. But his wit would get the better of him - while performing for allied guests, Xyzal’s words took on a magical viciousness and harmed one of the nobles.

It is unfathomable for a lower class to harm a noble. His men beat Xyzal savagely and demanded Xyzal's patron to remove him from court. Xyzal found himself back on the streets, with a chip on his shoulder and a lot of new material.

Umren the Monk

After discovering his well-off family had withheld ingredients vital to ending a curse afflicting the underground, a young Umren stole off in the night clutching bundles of rarities.

Traveling beneath the surface, he sought out the ill and did his best to heal their ailments. However, when the herbs ran out his lack of true knowledge made him a pariah to those he was unable to help.

Once word spread of a mysterious gold-hued man with “great powers” it brought destruction to the Dwarves who sheltered Umren for years. At first, the raiding parties and hunters were weak and small, but eventually, his hosts asked that he leave in hopes it might save them from the onslaught.

As he went, he took with him a new name, Umren, and a true faith in Clanggedin Silverbeard. Seeking a deeper knowledge of healing in the hopes of someday ending his exile, the Way of the Open Hand became his focus. For as long as they will have him, he has studied and practiced among their monasteries.

The Quest

The University within Harborton has asked the Adventuring Guild to assist in retrieving a lost document.

Short-staffed and overworked, the University couldn’t possibly spare anyone to go grab it, as simple a task as it is. It just so happens to Bucky to be the perfect mission for Omega Squad…

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Tales of Eoa - Worldbuilding Session


Tales of Eoa - Greystock’s Notes, Session 0