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Book of the Raven Review, Tips & Tricks

We’ve wrapped up the third adventure in Candlekeep Mysteries, and now it’s time for a review of Book of the Raven (BotR). Like our other reviews, we celebrate what was great, dissect what didn’t, and offer up tips and tricks you can use to run the adventure smoothly.

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Book of the Raven, Session IV

In our fourth Book of the Raven live play session, Leander, Stardew, and Soaanz find themselves in the eerie darkness that is the Shadowfel. But as Stardew comes closer to finishing her quest, a ghastly voice calls out. What does this mysterious voice want? Find out in this week’s episode!

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Book of the Raven, Session III

In our third Book of the Raven live play session, Leander, Stardew, and Soaanz continue exploring Chalet Brantifax and begin piecing together its dark history. As they draw closer to their goal, unforeseen forces converge on the party. What are the intentions of the denizens of the chalet, and what will happen when their paths cross? Find out in this week’s episode!

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candlekeep mysteries, podcast, book of the raven Christopher Browning candlekeep mysteries, podcast, book of the raven Christopher Browning

Book of the Raven, Session I - Behind the Screens

Join us behind the screens as we dive into a post-game review after our first session of Book of the Raven. In this episode we geek out on some of the Roll20 features that streamline our games, figuring out character voices, roleplaying decisions, and highlight the things the DM and players did to make this adventure special, at least for us.

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